I hope everyone had a happy new year. The wife and I had a quiet night at her mother's place in Zhengzhou, having wrapped up a busy week of meeting clusters of new in-laws and my wife's old classmates. I had a great time in China this time around.
And having returned home a couple of weeks ago, I've been a tireless flurry of work on the school (nine more weeks till the doors open!!), to the point where my right eye seems to have pulled a muscle, and now I get little stabs of unwholesomeness regularly throughout the day for the past three days. I just yesterday cooked something for myself for the first time this year.
And then sometime yesterday I realized that it was exactly ten days until my 30th, and I decided two things before giving it proper consideration:
1) to make one video per day, commemorating for my future self my current self, and
2) to tell everyone about it so that I can't laze off without incurring some shame.
I'm worried yesterday's first video ended up being a bit too ambitious. But it's out there (though not on Facebook--I couldn't work up the gumption), so that's a bit of XP that'll benefit future, better videos down the line.
Anyways: this blog. I wonder what's going to happen with this thing, to be honest. We're going to maintain a blog on the school's website (hopefully even a bilingual one...though that might be a bit much to hope for from my withering Japanese 能力)--but I'm not sure if I'll port this blog over to there, or if I'll just hold out a vague hope that I'll come here once in a while and pour all the energy of my scattered thoughts into these pretty combinations of sans serifed Latin letters.
Probably not. Actually, making videos, while still being quite a task for me, is turning out to be pretty fun. I kind of hate listening to myself, but I really like coming up with things to say. I feel like that's vain, but I'm not trying to be vain, and what's more I can't find any justification in continuing to think that, so I'm going to ignore the sensation until it goes away.
So this might be it for a while. I really like this blog (I mean, this is the first blog I'm writing a goodbye message on, instead of just vainly holding out hope that I'll develop a blogging habit someday and come back. Oh, my LiveJournal, you were so good to me...), so I'm sad thinking that there probably won't be any new content here, but it's definitely not the case that there won't be any new content from me anywhere. In fact, I'm about to shift into a higher gear. I'm pretty excited, and very, very afraid.
If you're interested in stuff from me not exactly in the longblog format, I'd be happy to draw your attention at the links below. Thanks to you all for reading ^_^/""
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AndroidSephiroth/videos
Tumblr: http://nowasforjason.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nowasforjason
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